LNGR Studios is a creative platform that explores the built environment through architectural and urban design, (geospatial) data analytics, and advanced visualization to generate ecologically and socio-economically thoughtful proposals that are rooted in a deep sense of place.
Hi! My name is Liz Cohn-Martin. I’m a designer, builder, and educator who currently resides in San Francisco, California. This website offers a window into my design process and practice, and showcases a variety of work, both academic and professional, that spans the realms of architectural design, visualization, hands-on craft and construction, and larger scale urban and regional mapping analyses.
I advocate for simple and elegant design work, high performing structures and spaces, and community integration in the design process. My work includes deep contextual analysis through the process of map making that offers insight into the physical, ecological, and social conditions of a space. I incorporate biophilia and bio-inspired elements into my work and believe in the ability of design and craft to enable greater levels of health and wellbeing for both humans and the natural environment.
If you believe in the power of design to affect change and enhance wellbeing and quality of life then you are in the right place. Welcome! If you are one of my students or interested in getting a better sense of what I teach please visit the teaching section of the website.